
All Austrian labels carry certain information as well as the producer's name.
The grape variety is usually prominent, indicating that at least 85% of the wine is made from the named variety. If a vintage is given, 85% of the wine must be from that year. The quality category must be stated. These are similar, but not identical, to German categories, beginning with Tafelwein (table wine) and Landwein (country wine). All Qualiatswein (quality wine) is subject to official testing and must display a Prufnummer (test number). This confirms that it meets certain standards, such as the minimum must weight of the grape juice, which usually, but not always, translates as sweetness. In addition to the basic Qualitatswein category wines can be (in increasing order of sweetness): Kabinett, Spatlese, Auslese, Eiswein, Beerenauslese, Ausbruch, Trockenbeerenauslese.
Because some fully ripe, very sweet grapes may be fermented to make a dry wine, Austrian wine may be labelled trocken (dry), halbtrocken (medium?dry), lieblich (medium?sweet) or suss (sweet).
The region of origin is indicated on all Qualiatswein. This may be one of the 15 Weinbaugebiete (wine producing regions), a village name or a specific vineyard. Whichever name is used, 100% of the wine must originate there