Grapes are grown for wine as far north as Yorkshire, but the climate confines most vineyards to the southern half of the country, where almost every county, from Cornwall in the west to Suffolk in the east, plus Wales and the Channel Islands ' boasts a wine industry on some scale. The main concentration is in the south-east, in Kent, East Sussex and West Sussex. The average holding is 2-3ha (5-7.5 acres), but vineyards range from less than 0.5ha. (1.2 acres) to about 25ha (62 acres).
England's largest wine estate by far is Denbies in Surrey, with nearly 100ha (250 acres). Other producers on a serious scale include Adgestone (Isle of Wight), Barkham Manor (East Sussex), Biddenden (Kent), Breaky Bottom (East Sussex), Carr Taylor (East Sussex), Lamberhurst (Kent), Nutbourne Manor (West Sussex), Pilton Manor (Somerset), Tenterden (Kent), Thames Valley (Berkshire), Three Choirs (Gloucestershire), Wootton (Somerset).