Wine And Time
Wines To Keep
Storing Wine
Basic Storage Conditions
Achieving cellar conditions
Racks and shelves
The Cellar Book
Wine Collecting
Storing Conditions
Collecting Strategies

The next requirement is orderly, safe storage. Shelves and racks need to be secure and easy to reach, and there must be a simple way to discover which wine is where. The traditional cellar had "bins" or large compartments in which wines were stacked. This assumes large amounts of the same wine. Today racks holding a dozen bottles, and individual bottles, are more use. The best racks are metal, which cannot rot, though wood and metal ones are much used and will last for many years. All-metal racks can tear labels if you are not careful.

Wine which is packed in wooden cases can be kept in them, but there is a small risk of dry rot. Cases should not be placed directly on the floor: place battens beneath them. Cardboard cases should be viewed as temporary storage only, as they will rot in damp conditions, and possibly introduce smells and mould. Wooden cases should be kept if there is a chance that the wine will be sold. Original cases reassure the buyer at auction and can enhance the value of the wine. This is particularly true of magnums and larger sizes.

Wine regions of the world.

History of wine
Choosing Wine
Keeping Wine
Serving Wine
Tasting Wine
Wine and Food
Making of Wine
Maturing Wine
Wine Terminology
Creating A Cellar
Facts And Fallacies
Wine Glossary
Reading Wine Label
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